Monthly Archives: October 2009

Update on swine flu vaccine Pandermix side effects in Sweden

The Swedish Medlical Products Agency (MPA) released on October 29, 2009 an updated compilation regarding reported side effects of the A(H1N1) flu vaccine Pandermix.

The only side effect that was “unexpected”, and unreported by Pandermix, is the allergic reactions that have occurred. Although the report only says that 1,4 million doses of the vaccine have been delivered to Sweden, not how many people have actually received the inoculation, a total of 500-600 side effects have been reported with symptoms ranging from head aches to deaths.

There were five reported deaths all together that may have been linked to the vaccine. The deceased persons were all between the ages 54-74 and suffering from chronic diseases.

The original report in Swedish is available here

Read more for the translation of the report.

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Problem med awstats på Binero

På senare tid har jag haft problem med att komma åt statistiken genom awstats för mina sajter på Binero.  Jag får upp följande felmeddelande:

Error: Couldn’t open config file “” nor “awstats.conf” after searching in path “bla/bla”: No such file or directory

– Did you use the correct URL ?
Example: http://localhost/awstats/
– Did you create your config file ‘’ ?
If not, you can run “” from command line, or create it manually.

Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in ‘docs’ directory).

Den officiella lösningen från Bineros support är att logga in i kontrollpanelen, gå till Avancerade Inställningar — Plugins — AwStats Statistics och där installera om programmet för domänen i fråga. Detta påverkar inte själva statistiken men den nollställer lösenordet! Så det är starkt rekommenderat att man efteråt ändrar lösenordet till något vettigt.

En observation som jag har märkt är att det inte funkar att starta awstats om jag anger “www” i adressfältet. Kör jag http://domä så går det bra men kör jag http://www.domä så får jag upp inloggningsrutan men därefter får jag felmeddelandet ovan.

Hoppas att dessa observationer hjälper andra i deras felsökning.

The truth about the Swine flu vaccine in Sweden

With more and more uncertainty, information and disinformation circulating about the A(H1Ni) virus, various vaccinations and various vaccination programs it is becoming increasingly difficult to figure out what is going on. The global media and various conspiracy sites will soon be jumping all over Sweden where one person has died soon after receiving inoculation for the Swine flu and several other people have reported various other side effects to the vaccine.

Under these circumstances, however, I find it important to document the facts of what have been happening, since there will be plenty half-assed blogs echoing tabloid articles without any research or analysis.

The Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) released an official update and compilation of the side effects of the Panadermix vaccine on October 22, 2009. In this post, I have translated the update from the MPA which, amongst others, details that the person who died was a man with serious heart conditions and previous organ failures. Not to be down played, however, are the severe flu like symptoms and reactions reported by several health care staff who have received the vaccine. These reactions have been reported in Swedish media but are not specifically mentioned in the MPA report.

Click on “Read More” for the full translation of the report.

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Demise of the dollar

The Independent published an article by Robert Fisk on Tuesday October 6 called “The demise of the dollar” adding weight to the rumors that have been going around about an upcoming attack on the USD by the Chinese.

As a coincidence (or not) the dollar value of gold jumped by around 50 dollars in one day.

Below are some links that deal with the issues and their consequences raised in the article a lot better than I ever could.

A dollár összeomlása

Kedden (október 6-án) az Independent (magyarul “Független”) Brit napilapban megjelent egy cikk miszerint a kínai gazdasági hatalom immár olyan erős, és az amerikai világhatalom annyira gyenge hogy többek között Kína és az arab országok titokban arról tárgyalnak hogy az olaj kereskedésnek a dollártól való függését hogyan lehetne megoldani.

Az egész cikk fordítását a “Read more” link alatt tekintheted meg.  Az eredeti cikket itt találod meg.

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